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The exact response to periodontitis symptoms is very important

According to health insurance statistics, nine out of 10 adults suffer from gingivitis, and 17 million people suffer from periodontitis annually. This is pointed out as the main cause of permanent tooth loss due to the repeated process of swollen gums and bleeding, resulting in bad breath and shaking teeth. Infection can cause bone damage, but this stimulation eventually leads to tooth loss or tooth extraction.

It is an important part of the human body so that the quality of life is greatly reduced when the health of natural teeth is unstable, but it is highly likely that it will not be able to function properly if it is neglected. Therefore, special care should be taken to keep the gums that support the teeth strong. Generally, inflammation of periodontal tissue progresses to gingivitis in the early stages, but further development from here causes chronic periodontal disease. Other direct causes are long-term accumulation of plaque and tartar.

If the natural accumulation of debris and young fish are not removed in a timely manner while eating food, it remains in the wet mouth and becomes an environment where bacteria can easily reproduce. Soon, oral hygiene becomes poor and calcification progresses, forming tartar, which causes gum inflammation. This phenomenon can damage gums, alveolar bones, periodontal ligaments, etc. even if there is no problem with the teeth themselves immediately, and it is important to be careful as it leads to permanent tooth loss.

When periodontitis occurs due to various causes, early symptoms often cause pain and swelling. Also, blood comes out, the gums turn red, and bad breath gets worse. As the condition worsens, the teeth shake and the position may change, and the throbbing pain will inevitably cause inconvenience in writing. If the disease is not improved with such a very simple procedure, implantation of implants after tooth extraction may be necessary.

In addition, there is a possibility that peripheral inflammation may progress due to neglect of management with implants already planted. At this time, if vertical fluctuation is observed enough to feel severe inconvenience, it may lead to a situation where it needs to be removed. Therefore, I would like to inform you that regular inspection, plaque management, and prevention of tartar are most important in order to preserve natural teeth as well as artificial teeth healthy.

In most cases, gingivitis cannot be properly managed early and deteriorates. As a result, tooth loss is caused, so it is desirable to visit related institutions to improve symptoms without missing them in the early stages of inflammation. It is possible to recover by treating it with a simple general outpatient clinic, but it is often missed because the pain is not severe. Even if medical technology develops and implant function improves, you cannot keep up with natural teeth.

Therefore, it is wise to preserve permanent teeth before they are damaged. Considering that plaque and tartar can develop into periodontitis at any time, it is important to break the vicious cycle of periodontal disease. Scaling is the key to solving these problems. The basic surgical diet alone is very helpful in preventing the disease. It is a simple way to clean up garbage that is difficult to remove just by brushing your teeth, and it helps restore a healthy environment.

However, if inflammation has already progressed and symptoms such as alveolar bone destruction or gingival degeneration appear, a surgical clinic is needed. The care process first determines the depth of the periodontal pocket and the degree of inflammation throughout the gums. We plan the technique to measure and apply the damaged range of the alveolar bone surrounding the root of the tooth by radiography. Basically, tartar removal is carried out, and if the remaining debris or dirt is not removed through scaling, soft subgingival sofa surgery is carried out.Even though it has been implemented until this stage, if the gum pocket is still deep or the bone melts a lot and the symptoms continue, a medical procedure is performed to remove or regenerate the problematic part by incision. Our hospital does not use excessive medical techniques such as applying surgical instruments and removing them unnecessarily depending on the damaged condition. Because there are many ways to preserve natural teeth.Therefore, if no immediate problem is identified that periodontitis can cause this to be lost, artificial tooth granulation will be left as the last option. If possible, use non-surgical procedures to direct the surrounding tissues and surrounding structures to restore their original function. We deal with tooth decay clinics and implants with the belief and philosophy that we can produce good results only when we are faithful to the basics.Medical staff with professional proficiency courses in various fields, including periodontology, orthodontics, integrated dentistry, and oral maxillary facial surgery, take care of natural teeth with the goal of respect and stability. I sympathize with the pain of those who came to the hospital due to inconvenience and concentrate on solving the problem honestly and sincerely.In particular, intensive management is possible because it contains all aesthetic elements of each subject with a wide spectrum and areas related to jaw joints. We work together in such a systematic system to manage it carefully and carefully. It is more stable because it plans a one-on-one customized clinic after checking not only visible parts but also underlying diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis.Above all, through the Graduate School of Dental Medicine at Seoul National University, a periodontal specialist medical staff is stationed to provide detailed and accurate diagnosis and reasonable care. For a considerable period of 14 years, we have examined various diseases, including periodontitis and implants. It is located right in front of Exit 12 of Gangnam Station, so please feel free to come anytime because it has high access and doors are open until weekends and evenings.Above all, through the Graduate School of Dental Medicine at Seoul National University, a periodontal specialist medical staff is stationed to provide detailed and accurate diagnosis and reasonable care. For a considerable period of 14 years, we have examined various diseases, including periodontitis and implants. It is located right in front of Exit 12 of Gangnam Station, so please feel free to come anytime because it has high access and doors are open until weekends and evenings.Above all, through the Graduate School of Dental Medicine at Seoul National University, a periodontal specialist medical staff is stationed to provide detailed and accurate diagnosis and reasonable care. For a considerable period of 14 years, we have examined various diseases, including periodontitis and implants. It is located right in front of Exit 12 of Gangnam Station, so please feel free to come anytime because it has high access and doors are open until weekends and evenings.Toktok Plant Dental Clinic Reservation on 1074F Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulToktok Plant Dental Clinic Reservation on 1074F Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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